tudeyzh ,,, this murning ,,, after many months ,,, ( 5 months if am not wrong ,,, xiixixixi ) ,,, am starting to listening music again ,,, xixiixixixi ,,, . Yup, its sign that am getting stress ,, xixiixixix ,,, . Our condition ,, our faith ,, is ,, up and down ,,, . i dont know ,,, it just ,,, am full with this world ,, ixiixixixi ,,, . I just want to merendahkan diri di hadapan Tuhan yang maha Kuwasa ,, and respect the world ,,, as much as i can ,,, .
they said ,,, am become so serious person since beginning of 2017 ,,, ahahhahaha ,,, am i ??? ,,, . It just ,, nothing to talk more ,, isnt it ,,, ??? ,,, xixiixixi ,,, . Beside ,,, am not cheerful person kok ,,, xixixiixix ,, so let it be lah yezh ,, kkwkwkwkkw ,,, .
i love me ,, 🙂 ,,,
Ketakutan guwe adalah ,,, diteror oleh pikiran gw sendiri ,,, . Concern gw adalah ,,, kurangnya rasa kebutuhan gw akan duniya ini ,,, 🙁
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