last ,, week ,, ??? or this week yezh ,, ??? my english teacher ,,, said that ,, ” too many rules in IsLam ,, ” ,,, he continues ,, ” but its ok ,, everything ( on all religions ) is good ,,, ” . Oh yezh ,, he is a canadian ,, and he is catholic ,,, . I said nothing ,,, hmmhh ,,, but you know what ,,, i hv others sight ,,, .
They said ,, isLam is too many rules ,,, and in my thought ,,, they have no clear rule ,,, because they have many version on holy books ,,, how it could be ,,, ??? . But he said ,,, IsLam also have many versions ,, islam in Sumatra is difference from java ,,, that is about culture ,,, . hmmhh ,,, unfortunately its reality from their side ,,, Not from Qur’an Side ,,, Qur’an hanya mengajarkan satu panduwan . Di Indonesia ,,, From Qur’an ,,, its adjust in culture needs ,,, . But, i think ,, if you see more clearly ,,, it will become unity again in high intelligent community ,,, . Because ,,, smart people ,, smart community ,,, menterjemahkan Qur’an dengan baik ,,, dengan sama ,,, . Karena Quran hanya satu ,,, satu panduwan ,, satu tujuan ,,, 🙂
But we cant debate on this ,,, i think ,,, . Everyone has their own believing ,, right ,,, ??? 🙂 ,,, . If you want to know more ,,, learn first ,, argue next ,,, 🙂
and somehow ,, its great to live in indonesia ,,, . We can beribadah dengan tenang di sini ,, di negeri ini ,,, . Tidak susah menemukan makanan halal ,,, tidak susah menemukan masjid or musholah ,,, tidak susah menemukan orang baik di indonesia ,,, 🙂
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