whollaaa ,,, how are youuu ???? hopefully with happiness all the times yeezzhh ,, aamiinn ,, 🙂 ,,, . Just like me ,,, still can enjoy this time with my own happiness ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, 🙂 ,, xixiixixi ,,, #balada nangkring pagi2 di warung kupih ,,, xixixiixix ,,, Gila ,,, !!! ,,, ( eh, […]
Tag Archive > #happiness
do good things ,,,
,,, do good things ,, every singLe day ,,, no need to caLcuLate the efficiency of each ,,,
Sunday ,,, 05022017
February comes ,,, its ,,, a ,, february ,, xixixiix ,,, . Still with the same hafi ,, same office environment ,, same jobs ,, same daily routine ,, same income ,, same outcome ,, xixiixixi ,, . what the difference is ,, ??? ,, . Ummhh ,,, i dont know ,, nothing i […]
now ,, its me ,,,
its a ,,, nice enough wiken for me ,,, 🙂 ,,, in fact ,,, its full nice ,, eaaa ,,, hehehhe ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, . And ,, after this nice wiken ,, whats next ,, ?? ehheheheh ,,, . — what i hv to share about me ? my life is just ,,, average […]
pwasa againn ,,,
trying have a shaum by tudeyzh ,, after many dayzh off ,,, heheheh ,, . Alhamdulillah its work out ,,, !!! ,, . Ucink lemezh ucet ,, but am survive ,, #lebay dikit boleh lah yezh ,,, ixixiixixi ,, . what a blessed day ,, when white bozh is off ,, when not disturbing […]
Minggoe , 22012017
izin curcol pliiiiiss ,,, xiixixixi ,,, . Nulis nge-share ngarol ngidul bole yaaaaa ,, this is me timme ,, this is my happiness ,,, ihiiiyy ,,, 🙂 🙂 🙂 — once ,,, my friend said with hopeless tone ,,, ” God not answering my pray ” ,,, . Why am feel hurt to hear […]
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,,,
ihiiyy ,,, what an apezh wikenzh ,, xixiixixix ,,, maybe it is because i seen that person on friday night ,,, its make my life for whole this wikenzh is apezh again ,, wkkwkwkw ,,, #baper amad guwe ,,, xiixixixix ,,,, . But ,,, so so lah ,,, alhamdulillah anyway for this wiken ,,, […]
untukmuwh ,,,
untukmuwh ,,, yang kami doa kan di depan ka’bah ,,, semoga aLLah swt ,, selalu melimpahkan kasih sayangNya dan berkahNya kepada qt semuwa ,, #semoga penduduk langit mengaminkan doa ini juga ,,, aamiinn ya aLLah swt ,,, 🙂 ,,,
eve New Year ,,,
even though ,,, they said ,, we are not celebrating eve new year ,,, i just think ,,, how we could be a better person day by day ,,, . So ,,, i just want to post ,, look back ,,, smiling ,, brood ,,, and figuring out about next ,,, 🙂 2016, […]