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ihiiyy ,,, what an apezh wikenzh ,, xixiixixix ,,, maybe it is because i seen that person on friday night ,,, its make my life for whole this wikenzh is apezh again ,, wkkwkwkw ,,, #baper amad guwe ,,, xiixixixix ,,,, . But ,,, so so lah ,,, alhamdulillah anyway for this wiken ,,, ehheheheh ,, 🙂 ,, .

In fact ,,, till now ,, am really really really ,,, upset ,, if i did wrong or careless ,,, am not make that big tolerance for my self ,,, . So when i did mistake ,, am very angry to my self ,, xiixixixi ,,, . It is need an additional effort to make my head understand ,, that something right ahead ,,, xixixixi ,,, . Nasib jadi orang perfectionist ,,, 😛 ,,, . Hey ,, this scope ,,, include ,, exercise in my life ,,, acceptance ,,,  🙂

So ,, what happen in the world ,,, ??? ,, an official ??? ,,,  Oh dear Lord ,, sumpeeeh ,,, i just getting bored with those jobs ,,, masya allah ,,, . I think ,, its the pattern for me deeeh ,,, after around 3 years in the same jobs ,, its just getting bored ,,, . Ummhh ,,, but ,, hh ,, i dont know lah ,,, i dont have that passion in work again ,,, ahuhuuhuhuh ,,, . and as consequence ,, my perform for this job ,, will be decrease ,,, its natural ,,, oh migod ,, what should i do ,,, ?? ahuhuuhuh ,,, .

maybe ,,, i should take a piknik ,,, wkkwkwkwkkwwkw

few times ago ,, i just met mbak Wati ,, our ex ART ,,, . She is just cry when see me ,,, . She said ,, :: liat anak seumuran dek ijah ,, langsung ke inged anak saya ,,, #sambil ngusep air matanya ,,, . Hikzhh ,, gw jadi ikutan sedih ,,, . I just cant say a word ,, semoga Tuhan memberikan keikhlasan wat mbak wati ,,, dan keluwarga ,,, aamminn ,,, .

Gw ,,, sedikit mengerti ,, tentang apa ituh cobaan yang di alamin mbak wati ,,, . Its like ,, her world is broken into nothing ,,, . Bener2 butuh kasih sayang Tuhan untuk menghikhlaskan semuwa taqdir ituh ,, masya aLLah ,,, . And makes me think ,, mbak wati adalah calon penghuni syurga ,,, . Cobaan ituh ,, so deep ,, akan ada balasannya yang baik ,, pasti ,, semoga yah ,, ammiinn ,, 🙂

ummhh ,,, so berantakan inside ,, . Fixed again one by one ,, . Be smart person in front of aLLah swt yezh fi ,,, 🙂 ,,, . Insha aLLah ,,, aamiinn ,, 🙂


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