soooo ,,, its was last Thursday ,,, . I didnt take my fasting because i thought will hv big mtg with pa gm and will take much more energies ,, . Thus ,, its a another regular day ,, . Yaa ,, i took coffeea all day long ,, i late for my lunch ,,, but its still ,, its regular for me ,,, .
Its ,, afternoon ,, on my way back home ,, its felt like just i want to fainting. I felt sooo weak ,,, my back bone is so hurt ( in my thought, my body took energy from my back bone, ga dari lemak yg berseliweran inih ,,, . wkkwkwkkwkwk ,,, . it just i felt run out of my energy ,,, all of them ,, . Antara mo pingsan, tapi keknya nggag deh ,, kan gw dh gendut ,, wkkwkwkkwkwkw ,, .
and i made it ,, . I arrived at home safely ,, . But its soooo ,,, weak ,, hurt ,,, not headache ,,, napas atu atu ,,, asli i dont hv any energy to live ,,, . Gw nimbang ,, dan BB gw 55 Kg ,, . So ya ,, its no weird if i in this condition ,, .
i through the night ,, with sadly ,, hehehehheh ,, . Napas satu2 ,, feel so weak ,, makan minum dengan posisi tidur ,, mpe akhrnya tengah malem dh mule segeran ,, . Tapi masih lemezh maks. Bahkan wat solat ajah ,, kek badan ma otak ma jiwa ,, ga nyatu sempurna ,,, .
paginya ,, jumat wfh ,, gw beli bubur ,, wat sarapan dan abis ,, !!! . Trush lanjut kerjak ,,, . Niadnya mo ke mall ,,,, but my body is still weak ,, so weak ,, . So i just wfh all day ,,,
its ,, Magrib ,, gw nimbang lgi ,, dan berat gw dah 58 Kg lagi ,, . What !!!????? ,,,, . naek 3 kg dlm waktu 24 jam ??? its weird ,,, . But ya ,, gw dah sangat enakan ,,, . Energy gw dah ampir 80% balik ,,, and continuing well until now ( saturday ).
SO, WHAT WAS THAT ?????????????
gilzh ,,, apa yg terjadi kemaren ,,, ??? gada penjelasan logis kecuwali mang tipikal gw yg kadang nge drop ,,, . ya ya ya ,,, it must coming out ,, but ,, should be not so bad, isnt it ???? ,,,
Then, i hv 1 Theory ,, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its some part of me ,, leaving me ,, leaving my body ,,, . Ituh sudah jelas ,, !!! . . Ada bagian diri gw yg pergi ,, dan ya, kembali lagi sik ,,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,, . Inih gw bingung ,, pada percobaan pergi apa gimana ???? partial2 gituh ??? haiyaahh ,,, .
ummhh ,, yaaa ,,, its bad experience ,,, but i through some like these experience ,, and this is not the worst ko ,,, . Even though its time for me eventually ,, its ,, a ,, yaa ,, mo gimana lagi ,,, . My brain know ,, everything already set up ,,, nothing in coincidence ,, not at alll ,,, . Its just me ,, following the path ,,, .
its scary fi ??? ya ,, it is ,,, . Its more scary at first ,, many years ago ,, . But yaaaaa ,,, di jalanin sajah ,,, . What else i can do ??? kekekkekekekkekekekeke
let get find udon ,,, we need re charge my energy
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