#insome 1jan2018

Insome pertama d bulan januwaryyyyy ,,, . Besok dh mule masuk lagiiiiiii ,,, . Actually, i hv amnual leave for tomorrow, but !! Because he get annual leave also, then i cancel mine ,,, wkkwkwkwkwkwk ,, . Rugi amad ga masuk pas doi cutiy ,,, xixixixix ,, . Teruzh,,, gw apdet lg cutiynya jd tgl 15 besok ,,, kekekkekekk ,,, .

Ummhhh ,,, hehehhehehe ,,, this issue coming ,,, . Hopefully ,,, it will be better in many ways ,,, aamiinn ,,, . Sedih sih, tp tiap orang punya taqdir masing2 yezh ,,, . Iyup kadang sensi kl lg dtg issue nya ,,, tapiiiiiiii ,,, cemunguuuttttt ,,, !!!! 

Pengen nulis banyak, tp ntr ga tedor2 ,,, . Better gw percobaan tedor-1 yak ,,, xixixixix ,,,




And yezh ,, percobaan tedor-1 :: fail !! ,,, wwkwkkwkwwkwkwk ,,, . 

Cerita aahhh ,,, Guweeeee at wiken ,,, abia solat subuh, tedor lagi ,, yg mana ga tedkr jg sih ,,, . Jam 6an bangun, pake jaket pake kudung ,,, nyalain mbit terush brangcut ke buk bubur d pom bensin ,, . Cumuk ?? Enggag ,,, gosok gigik ??? Enggaagg ,,, Kadang ga pake bra jugak ,,, kwkwkwkwkwkwk ,, . 

Nyampe tkp, ngaca d spion ,, and said to my self :: ampun !! Buluk amad !!! ,,, wkwkwkkw ,,, . Ampe mikir :: ada yg mao ama ce kek guwe ,,, ??? Wwkwkwkkwkwkw ,,, .

Percobaan tedor-2

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