2024 ,,, !!


2024 ,,, !!! . WOw ,,, already in 2024 ajah yezh ,,, .

and ,, my life just go on with more small circle and simply things life ,,, . I dont know ,, maybe i set up like it is ,, or just universe just make it for me ,, .. Because ,, even my closest circle ,, it just like not engage with me anymore ,,, ,, from my side yezh ,, i dont know in the side ,,, . But one thing for sure ,,, tidak berkurang doa gw buwat mereka ,,, insha allah ,, aminn ,,

what is your resolution for this year hafikuw ??
welll ,, get married for sure ,, jiyakkakakkakakkakk ,,, . WHy ??? kan lo dh mo xpired ,, jiyakkakkakakkakak ,, . Yaaa bikozh marriage is an order in Islam ,, so if any good chance to make ,, i will provide it ,, . as long as not hv bad variable that will reduce my eeman to aLLah swt ,, . Well ,, insha allah ,, .

Others ??? mahuuuuuuuuuuuu ,,, get focuzh with my remaining time ajah sik ,,, #mang apa lagi ??? kekekkekekekekk ,, . what kind of fokezh ,, ??? ,,, tentu pada akhirat ,, wkkwkwkkwkw ,,, insha allah ,,, .

kadang gw merasa kulit nih dh lengket banged ma duniyakwik inih ,, ,, kekekkekekek ,, . Kek lo keringetan ,, kulit lo lengkat dan lo mo mandi wat bersih2 ,, gituh dh gw merasa kulit gw ma udara di duniyakwik inih ,, wkkwkwkkwwk ,, .

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