Minggoe, 05032017


meNoEdithay ,, what a lovely sunday murNing yezh ,,, πŸ™‚ ,, what can i do more beside enjoying the rest time with my aroundΒ  ,,, ??? ,,, πŸ™‚ ,,, .

,,, usually i save the world ,, with my weird costume ,,, wkkwkwkwk ,,, but yesterday i just laying down all day long ,, i mean really all day long ,, ahhahahah ,, and still feel not enough ,,, . I cant and maybe i dont want to think any more ,,, xiixixixi ,,, It just ,, i need good suggestion and good thought to through my life ,,, not logic and math calculation again ,,, indeed ,,, xiixixixix ,,, . ,,, and i do ,, sometimes ,, miss him ,, eaaaaa ,,, xixiixixi ,,, πŸ˜›

dreamzh ,,, i want to share somes ,,, . Usually ,, it will be happen ,,, but ,, i think ,,, lately ,, its not anymore ,, ahahhaha ,, #thanksGod ,, πŸ™‚ ,,, . I see ,,, someone from the past still make a relationship with me ,,, . I see ,,, my friend around ask me to my Father ,,, ahahhahaha ,,, . I see ,,, a river full of blood ,, . its ,,, happiness vision anyway ,, πŸ™‚ ,, .

I just ,, so grateful ,, for my pass ,, my presents ,, and my live will beΒ  ,,, what ever it was it is and it will ,,, because am sure ,,, all of those ,, with God bless ,,, πŸ™‚ ,,, . O my dear thought ,,, i know exactly what you thinking about ,,, you will ask me ” if not ?? ” ,,,Β  and you know well what my answer next ,,, πŸ™‚ ,,, . This is something that you cant share about ,,, its something that God put in our heart ,,, πŸ™‚

hey ,, this is really a good life ,, indeed ,, πŸ™‚


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