Minggoe ,,, 4Dec2016


baaakk ,,, what a cloudy sunday murNingzh ,,, xixiixixixi ,,, .

Duughh ,,, suwer deehh ,, ga apdet banged guwe ma duniya luwar ,,, gegara project enih ,,, . ya kalik ni project bener ,, keknya delay deh ,, .

Guwe dah ngikutin 3 project ( including this one ) selama di aji :: SAP, wms – ILS , dan enih ( SCM system ) ,, and this is the untidy project that i ever had ,,, xixixixiixix ,,, . Entah sapah dan kenapah ,,, . SAP ,, yg big project ajah (karena ini massive and use till ajiCo report ),, masalah pasti ada ,, tapi keselesein tuh ,,, . Nah eni ,, masalah baru bermunculan setiap new session ,,, xiixixixix ,, what ever lah yezh ,,, . Sing penting masih ada modus wat lembur ,, kwkwkwkkwk ,,, .

I want to be a smart person ,,, so much . even though ,,, i know what happen with smart people ,,, most of ,, have big trouble with that on other side ,,, #maybe ,,, . Capek jadi begok ,, di hina dina orang ajah ,, #effect project ga jelas neh keknya ,,, wkwkkwwk ,,, .

Last friday ,,, muslims in indonesia have ,,, a long march in jakarta ,,, Thousands of muslims ,,, !! ,, . Karena gw ,,, berhubungan dengan many educated peoples ,,, muslim and non muslim ,,, and they have differences thought bout 212 ( 2-12) marching ,,, bout ahok ,, bout pilkada ,,, . And its free to have their own opinion bout all of this ,,, . In my side ,,, it just about ,, “kecenderungan” ,,, . Data dah di depan mata ,, gimana otak mahu menetapkan kesimpulan atas itu semuwa ,,, #i think ,,, . Some times ,, we good at this point ,, some times is not in others ,,, . Its soooo ,,, human ,,, 🙂

212 marching ,, is like ,,, muslims wants to show ,,, their existence ,,, aLLah swt want to show to aLLah’s enemy ,,, what kind soldier that aLLah have ,,, . I think ,,, itu cukup membuwat takut lainnya ,,, . At least ,,, mereka tidak akan bertindak lebih ,, .

Hmmhh ,,, semoga Indonesia aman jaya sejahtera lahir bathin duniya akherat ,, selalu dalam lindungan aLLah SWT ,,, .. Masih banyak hambaNya ,,, yang bersujud dan mengagungkanNya ,,, di bumi Indonesia ini ,,, . Semoga aLLah SWT berkenan menjaga keutuhan bangsa ini ,, aamiinn ya aLLah ,,, 🙂

#o iya ,,, di saat semuwa manusia heboh akan 212 ,, gw ??? terkukung mtg di 3C ,, dengan project yang ga jelas ,,, #still di bahas yezh fi ,,,, ,,, wkwkwkkwkwkw ,,, ini buktinya ,,, #no pict is hoax ,,, wkwkkwkw



what happen others yeeezzhh ,,, ?? ,,,  . Ummhh ,, udaaaah ,,, 1 year and half ,, since that thing came up i think ,, vomiting blood and when i got fever ,,, my sputum and snot also combine with blood ,,, loosing my weight ,,, ,,, . Buuutttt ,,, am still a live ,, xixiixixix ,,, alhamdulillah yeeezzh ,,, 🙂 ,,, .

Hhhh ,,, i dont want go to the doctor ,, bikozh ,, its just ,,, i dont want to make my mind that worried ,,, . gw juga ga mao ber suggesti ria ,,, hehhehehe ,,, . Guwe cuman pengen menikmati hidup guwe ,,, . So in my mind ,,, this condition is :: common ,, !! ,,, ahhahahahahah ,,, . In my  mind ,,, :: its because my body is just soooo drop ,,, thats all ,,, xixiixixi ,,,  . #kadang ada gunanya juga nih otak ,, wkkwkwkkwkwkw ,,, and now ,,, udah getting better ,, so much ,,, . Increase 2 – 3 Kgs ,,, war bysah ,,, !! . Plus ,, mbak weee ,,, she has just often DO at evening ,,, and bikozh she just kind ,, so she bought for all of us ( gank of 2nd fl ) ,,, xiixixixixi ,,, . even though i just ate a little ,,, its already fill up my stomach ,,, ahhahahah ,,, .  alhamdulillah yezh ,, 🙂 ,,,

thuuusss ,,, am still ,,, have to ,, be patient ,, with others ,,, hehhehehe ,,, . Sometimes ,,, or many times ,,, when people just act soooo “weird” and not make sense for me ,,, i just thinking direct to my self ,,, and make a question :: am i do like that also ?? being “weird” and burden others ,, ??? ,,, . Hmmpphh ,, entahlah ,,, .

Aq berlindung pada aLLah SWT ,, dari syetan yang terkutuk dan kesombongan ,,, aamiinn ya aLLah ,,,

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