i just re-think again ,, that for entire my life ,, i just never have english course till the last one ,,, which held by my company ,,, xiixixixi ,,, . kampung banged yezh guwe ,,, .
i just realize when we have toeic test last wednesday ,,, dessri told that she already hv kind of this test on her collage ,,, . Me ,, ??? i never hv kind this english test before ,, not at once ,,, so i realize ,,, even i never hv english course before ,,, xixiixix ,,, .
Kenal pelajaran bahasa inggris ajeeee ,, pas SMP ,,, ,,, kikikikikikikk ,,,, . Ya kalik bakal di les in ,, udah bagus di sekolahin mpe S1 ,, alhamdulillah yezh ,,, xixixiix ,,, .
well ,, you see ,, so many reason ,, that i hv tobe grateful ,,, 🙂
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