buwah tak jatuh jauh dari pohonnya ,,,

while ,, i drying clothes this murning ,,, i heard speech in tv show ,,, that said :: buwah jatuh tak jauh dari pohon nya ,,, . an old ,,, proverb ,,, hehehhehe ,,,

ummhh ,,, i just think ,,, that my parents is sooo ,,, galakzh ,,, aka tough one ,,, . They educated us with ,,, hard ,,, . If we are following that proverb ,,, i will be a galakzh person also ,,, because ,,, its on me ,,, right ??? . But me ,, ??? #pasang muka cantik ,,, of course not ,,, . Guwa mah cinta damay ,,, ga pake galak2an ,,, . xiixixixixi ,,, . Maybe ,, i just ,,, failure product of them ,,, eaaaaaaaaaa ,,, kwkwkkwkwkwk ,,, #pastinyoooo ,,,,

i love my mom ,,, . Semoga aLLah SWT memberikan rahmat dan kasih sayangNya untuk mamah ,,, memberikan tempat yang baik disisiNya ,, dan mempertemukan kembali qt kelak dalam kebaikan dan kebahagiaan ,,, . Amiinn ,,, 🙂

You are ,, both ,, a great parent ,,, 🙂

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