Minggoe, 240716

Hey ,,, am so happy ,,, . This MurNing ,, i just see my face in the mirror ,,, and i see a fresh face ,,, alhamdulillah ,,, . I just laying down at humzh yesterday ,,, some how ,, i feel so sleepy ,,, and succeed slept for hours in the murning ,, coooll ,,, xixixiixix ,,, . And i make conclusion ,,, all i need is one day full get rest to recover my health ,,, . Not go to the gym ,,, not the vitaminzh ,, not the food ,,, just get sleep ,,,, xiixixixixi πŸ™‚ ,,, as simply as that ,,, ahahhahahha ,,, .

others ?? ,,, sometimes ,,, i think and pleased i beat them ,, sometimes i think ,, just let it be ,,, let it be ,,, whats wrong with all of this ??? ,, . They do they role ,, and neither do i ,,, . xiixixiixix ,,, , ,, ,, , , , , . its not that i dont care ,,, it just ,, i dont want to take too much for anything ,,, .

This is my life ,,, whatever that come into my life is variables ,,, and daily life is how to manage this variables ,,, . My Life ,, is just continues anyway with or with out all of this variables ,,, Time is tik tok dude ,,, I just want to enjoy my life ,,, day by day ,,, thats it ,,, as simply as that ,,, πŸ™‚

hehehheheheh ,,, yezh yezh yezh ,,, i just so skinny right now ,,, and for one year backward ,,, xiiixixixi ,,, . But now i think ,, so what ??? i hv 42, 43, 45 Kg before ,,, then what so hard bout this weight now anyway ??? xixixixiixixi ,,,Β  take it easy fi ,,, take it easy ,,,

nothing that so important ,, right ??? xixiixixixi ,,

Official ??? ummhh ,,, the bozh ,,, just already geting kind ,,, maybe related to his wive transfer to this country ,,, xixiixixixi ,,, . what ever lah ,, who care anyway ,,, xixiixixi ,,, . Jobzh ?? ya ya so so laahh ,,, . Not that interesting ,,, .

Hey, this week ,,, we were started english course ,,, . The teacher is Mr BerNard ,,, he is canadian but maybe already in indonesia for 10 years ,,, . His wife is indonesian ,,, ,,, . So far ,, so good lah ,,, πŸ™‚ ,,, . He said ,,, when we already feel bored with our Job ,, it is signal for us to get new challenge ,,, . xixixiix ,, so europe yezh ,,, . Qt mah pan butuh yah di mari ,, kalo ga mah ,,, dah dari kapan tau cabzh ,, . ya kalik juga otak qt mampu di tempat yang baruu danΒ  lebih baik ,,, xiixixix πŸ˜€ #curcooll ,,, wkwkwkwk ,,, .

last friday night ,, we just hv chitchat in the mushola ,,, its a gd sharing anyway ,,,

Ya aLLah ,,, ampunilah kami ,,,
Mnjadi hamba manusia dan bisa megetahuiMu ,, adalah mukjizat trsndiri bagiku ,, duhay Tuhan semesta aLam ,,
BantuLah kami merendahkan hati kami serendahrendahnya di hadapanMu Tuhan yg Maha Agung lagi Maha MuLia ,,,

ini bukan tentang aq ,,, qm ,,, ato qt ,,, . Ini tentang ,, aLLah ,,, cant you realize that ??? .Β  It is ,,, life is just so hard ,,, but we hv try hard to keep focus to aLLah SWT ,,, .

Mpit said ,,, she knew there is a border line that she cant cross to,,, . But me ?? already crossed the border ,,, . Do all bad things ,,, . And alhamdulillah sanget ,,, i get back ,,, . And for what ” i hv now ” ,,, its always remind me to keep in the border ,,, . What the strongest reminder beside ,,, death ,,, right ???

i really enjoying my life now ,,,Β  alhamdulillah ,,, πŸ™‚

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