Perfectionist ,,,

Am perfectionist one ,,, . But experience in my life teach me that aLLah arrange everything ,,, . When we thought A is the right way ,,, and its not goes smoth ,,, still there is another way to through one ,,,

So ,,, based on that ,,, i hv big tolerance to others to me to life ,,, . But you know what ,,, still its annoying sangat when we are already on the right track ,,, tetiba there is “modern people” who  just break those track ,,, without feeling guilty ,,, seenaknya ajah serasa ga ada yg mengajari mereka manner dalam kehidupan ,,, . Aneehhh ,,, based apa pola pikir orang2 kek gitu ,, ????

Hmmpp,,, markibok ,,, #sebelum gw makin menyombongkan diri #istighfar

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