miliieeee ,,,,


hula Milie ,, ,,, ihiyy ,, long time no seeee ,,,
how’s our life ???
ixixixixixixix ,,, ?

u know what milie ,,, life ,, my life ,, is not in my control ,, however ,, its still go through by aLLah swt’s will ,, #yeah ,, for sure !! ,, ahahahahah ,, . But it is ,, some time ,, we are not aware well of this matter ,,, . Or ,, this is just ,, only short of impact of my believing of faith ,, hehehehehhe ,, . Which one is true ,, ??? ,, ?

i can be pious ,,, i can be sinner (dugh amid2 !! ,, jangan sampe ! ) ,, i can be smart ,, i can be dumb ,, i can do A, i can do B, i can do C ,, alhamdulillah ,, i can do it all ,, . Thus ,, my brain will well trained ,, even those activity is not finished yet ,, but its brain natural do, isn’t it ???? ,,, .

Then ,, what’s all its about ,, ??
i know izeklih the answer is ,,, :: beribadah pada aLLah swt till the end of time ,, (*1) ,, . and the end ,, is about CONSISTENCY ,,, . How satan ,, very well do in this matter ,, . Consistency is about natural human weakness ,, because we are human anyway ,,, . When in one to several time ,, we can conquer our desire in the good way ,, still its hard to make it stable ,, due to ,, we are HUMAN ,,, . Even with conducive circumstances ,, still we will have consistency’s fight ,,, . May Allah ,,, the merciful will forgive us for this thing ,, protecting us always for all might bad happen in this duniyak and akhirat ,,, aminnn ,,, .

this is my fight ,,, with all my knowledge ,, my awakening ,,, my awareness ,,, to keep get consistency ,, in this life ,, till the end ,, .

betewe ,,,
gw ini kan penakut sangat yh ,, dengan allah swt ,, dengan hari akhir ,, dengan hari hisab ,,, akhirat stuff lah ,,, . Kadang ,, dengan naturalnya ,,, otak gw meng-calculation what i’ve done yg berkesimpulan ,, i will not survive in the day after ,,, . And it drive me crazy ,,, . Trush gw mikir ,,, kembali mikir yg sama ,, kalo umar ajah ,,, yg dh bunuh orang ,, yg mana bunuh orang ituh dosanya ke neraka jahanam ,, insya allah bisa masuk surga ,,, . ga apple to apple ,, tapiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,, mgkin gw juga bisa selamat kelak ??? amiiinn ,,, hehhehehehe ,, .


(1*) my friend ,, in their life processing ,, ever asked ,, :: what is life about ??? . I said :: untuk beribadah pada allah swt ,, . And he said :: ya of course ,, . He didnt understand well to this sentences i think. But may be i know ,, the core why, he can not understand well ,, . Because ,, its about life perspective ,,, . Me ,, less and more ,, looking at me ,, as HAMBA ,, in the zero level according to the God ,,, . Him ,, maybe ,, looking at himself , at the 3 – 5 level according to the God ,, . Because ,, Qur’an said so ,,, :: hidup adalah untuk beribadah padaNya ,, . Beribadah dengan bertaqwa . Bertaqwa dengan mentaati perintahNya dan menjauhi laranganNya ,,, .

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