Stress ,,


gw mang easy going ,,, tapiiii ,,,, somehow ,, and the doctor said ,, gw tuh setrezzhh ,,, karena ada term2 tertentu ,, badan gw menunjukkan gejala2 setrezh for sure ,,, . Trush inem jd bingung ,,, wkkwkwkwk ,,,,

after kurleb 1 year ,,, setelah mikir di sela2 ga pernah mikirnya gw ,, akhirnya setelah mengerucutkan banyak pikir ,, akhirnya mungkin ,, gw nemu core stressing gw ,,,

iaituuu ,,, kematian ,,, nor the real life after ,,,

i think am stressfull with that ,, with my own awareness of this real life after ,,, indeeeddd ,,, . Bahkan ,, pas nulis ini pun gw deg2an ,, . Dan ,,, untill now ,, i dont hv any idea to boost up my qualitiy life for next ,, ,,, . Dan ,, !!! with my capacity ,,, i dont hv any parameter to know ,, is it my activities already good or not ?? no evaluation ,,, . i think this is very crazy ,, !! . dont you think like that ????

then ,, time border ,, is very very makes my stressing get full ,, ahuuhuhuhuhuh ,,, . Kebayang ga sik ,, kek ujian gituuhh ,, dah lah ga bisa ujian ,, tp timing nya jalan terush ,,, . >> ini dh paling menggambarkan situwasi stress gw sik ,, iyah ituh ,, seperti ituh ,,,

then ,,
#tarik napas panjang ,,,
thus ,, you dont hv any choice in life ,,, if you really understand the situation is ,,,
hanya berharap baik pada rahmat kebaikan kash sayang allah swt ,,
hanya ini dan hanya ini ,,,,

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