eaaa ,, my lazy wikenzh ,, xiixixixixi ,,, 😛 ,, . Yup ,,, its ,, a ,, so maggerrr euuyy ,,, wwkwkwkkwk ,, wedyaannn,, xiixixix ,,,
anyway ,, this wikzh ,, is sooo ,, weird ,, from my side ,, . Many stories ,, make me realize that ,, . Ummhh ,, i already posted on fesbukzh ,, so ,, i will copast then ,,, make my finger more healthy ,, wkkwkwk ,,,,
Situwasi yg aneehh ,,,
masih ga abis pikir ,,, doi ampe segitunya “menghalangi” guwe maju ,,, salah guwe apa yak ma doi ?? ,,
kalo cmn iri doank sih ,, ya ampuunn ,, kek yang bener ajah gw ampe d iri-in ,,, pinter kagag sengklek ho oh ,,
#officeLife ,,,
#mungkin edisi blind spot for hafikuw
this is not the first time ,,, its have been ,, around a year back ward koo ,,, am sure ,,, . i know ,, but i just ignore those ,, because ,,, i dont believe in bad people ,,, . #as usual yezh fi ,, become naive person ,, ahhahahahha ,,, . How many incidents/happeningss/events ,, more you need ,, that some people out there are really bad ,,, ??? .
sometimes ,,, i just end up of my mind ,, there are people out there ,, become jealously with me ,,, . Withh mmeeee ?? hafiiiiiiiiiiii ??? ,, helloohh ??? ,, . Who i am ,, ???? ,,, . O dear Lord ,,, . For me ,,, Its not about the training or anything bout that lah ,, . Its about ,, how come that jealousy could come into your heart and you are become bad people with intentionally ,, ???? its ,, bad you knowh ,, ??? . xixixixi ,,, once again ,, this is not ,,, about how i hv to understood them ,,, its about how i understood God’s stories for me ,,, 🙂 🙂 🙂 ,,, .
Me ,, is me ,, . Guwe akan tetap jadi guwe ,,, yang yah ,, yang seperti ini ,,, . Yang cuwek ,, yang sengklek ,, yang ga hangat ,, yang ga bisaan komunikasi ma orang ,,, yang mungkin orang2 kesian karena ga naek2 jadi M ( bahkan guwe ga kesusahan dengan ituh ) ,, yang gerah dengan keberadaan guwe ampe harus di “halangi” ,,, . 36 tahun ,, susah kalik mo ngerubah guwe jadi orang yang hangat and cheerful ,, hehheheh ,,, . Hafi is hafi ,,,, . Just one question ,,, have i make you down in front of your bozh ,, ??? . No ,, its you that make your self ,,, down ,,, . ,,, Be a man ,,, be a fair ,,, . But yezh ,,, maybe its not you ,,, to become a man ,, to be fair ,,, . You is you ,,, low grade person ,,, .
,, where ever it is ,,, i have my own stage to stand up ,,, with or with out you guyzh ,,,
10 thn pendosaan compare 2 thn pertobatan ,,
Sangat yakin Tuhan yg maha pengampun akan mengampuni dosa2 ituh ,,,
Tpi hidup tetap begini2 sajah ,,
Mungkin bukan dosa yg terlalu banyak ,,, tetapi syurga yg terlalu tinggi utk d raih ,,,
iyezh ,,, its about heaven is sooo high to reach ,, dont you think like that ,, ??? . It just ,, people with kind heart ,,, who can live on ,,, xiixixixix ,,, . Ga abis pikir ,, gmna caranya punya hati yang baik ,, ??? ,,, . gw ya segini guwe ,,, . Apa mungkin ,,, semenjak brojol ,, takaran hati guwe ,, mang segini yak ,,, ??? ,,, hehhehehe ,, .
,, its life time struggle ,,, to have God’s attention ,,, 🙂 ,,, insha allah ,, 🙂
nyari2 tiket gratisan pas long wiken april inih ,, with miles and reedem point ,,, :: ga available ,, wkkwkwkkw ,,, ya eaaa laahhh fiiiiii ,,, xiixixixixi ,,, . Hadjeee ,, kemana yaakk ,,, 😛 ,, lagian guwe ga pernah jalan2 sendiri ,,, masa escape sendiri ,,, ?? ,,, ceyeeem ,,, wkkwkwk ,, . Semuwanya “rasa” udah ,,, . Kepengenannya ke eropah ,,, #loh #ngarepdotkom #lebay ,,, kwkwkkwkw ,, . aamin dulu ah ,,, xiixixixi 😀 ,,
sing penting ,,, guwe ,, mahuuuu ,, beli rumah ,, !! wkkwkwkwk ,, lebay ,,, . #kenapa kehidupan guwe penuh dengan kelebayan ??? wkkwkwkwk ,, . Mo kosdon maksimal jugakkk ,,, . Minggu kemaren gagal kosdon ,,, . Minggu ini kuduuuu ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,,
lately ,, i just want to become ,, my self ,, hehehhehe ,,, 😉 ,,, and ,, !! sharing pictzh for this wikzh aah ,, ihiiyy ,,, #edisi maksi with friends ,,,
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