i took leave paid by tudeyzh ,,, . Why ?? #beside my cough ??? ,, karena guwe males maksimal ,,, males ma lingkungan kerjak nya ,, males ma para bozhnya ,, males ma semuwa lah ,,, . Sumpeh ,, gw suntug maksimal ,,, . Maybe ,, for the next few weeks ahead ,, i will talk to white bozh ,, to ask a chance for transfer ( out ) ,, wwkwkwkkwkwkw ,,, rasa expatriat ajeee ,, xixiixixix ,,, .
and i fill up this day with ,,, thinking ??? wkkwkwkkw ,, . Thinking ,, writing ,, watching ,, sleeping ,,, drinking ,, eating ,,, and all ings possibilities in this world ,, wkkwkwkwkwkwk ,,, . One mistake for tudeyzh ,,, get sun bath ,,, ??? helloohh fiii ??? wkkwkwkwkwk ,, begok amad dah ah ,,, . But am getting better all the times ,, so i want to do ,, starting to do ,, all crazy things again ,,, ahahahhahah ,,, . Now ,, in the right way ,,, #bisa fi ??? wkwwkwkkwkw ,,, . Hopefully ,,, .
No ,, its not because i want to be some one else ,, . It just ,, human being ,, as naturally ,, will do better time by times ,,, maybe ,,, ixiixixixix ,,, . We are not robot ,, we can not stuck in one point ,,, 🙂 ,,, . Even though we are not set up that fluctuation ,, we will do fluctuate anyway ,,
somehow ,,, having chit chat with our ex partner in Logistic Dept ,,, . He said ,,, his check around 17 jt ,,, with attachment to convince me ,,, xixiixixix ,,, . Lucky him ,, rejeki orang yezh beda2 ,,, padahal menurut banyak orang kala itu ,, doi not that smart ,,, . I just thinking ,,, am i can work that much in others comp ??? with my heath condition ???? ,,, . But i said to my self ,, gw dah sihat ,, sebaiknya gw melakukan hal yang baik ,,, yg spectakuler ,, what ever it is ,,, dont you think like that ,, ??? ,, and nothing can stop me ,,, eaaaaaaaaa ,,, xiixixixiix ,,, #ya kaliiikk ,,, xiixixixixi ,,,
Jika ingin melakukan hal besar ,,, harus dengan triger things yang besar pulak ,,, . Unfortunately ,, triger gw ,,, not that big ,,, dan guwe heran kenapa bisa kek gitu ??? knapa yah ??? kenapa gw ga tertarik that much ma duniya ini ??? kenapaa ???. Semuwa yang gw kejar ,, it just ,,, about ,,, sincerity ,,, . Why ,, ??? Why ,,, ??? ,, masya allah yezh ,,, . Memang beda2 orang ,, beda2 passion ,,, but ,,, ahh sudahlah ,, fi ,,, . Do everything that makes you comfort with ,,, >> tuhhh kaann ,,, salah inih ,, wat duniyawik pipel ,, . Hmmhh ,, entahlah ,,, entahlah ,,,
anyway ,,, tetep cemungudzh yezh fi ,,,, 🙂
Shall we go humzh now ,, ??? hehehehhe ,,,
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