pagi pagi ,,, bokap nanya :: ” natal minggu depan yh ?? ” ,,, gw jawab :: “iyah” ,,, bokap lanjutin ,,, ” moga ijah bisa sampe ya minggu depan ,, ” ,, . Hiyyghh ,, omongan2 ga jelas ,,, apa pun maksutnya ituh ,,, baper guwe ,,, wkkwkwkwkkwkw ,,, .
Dan cerita aneh lainnya ,, kemaren teh mimpiin teman lama ,,, muka nya so ” suntug ” ,,, so ” redup ” ,,, kesiyan ,,, . But in that dream ,,, he seems so happy meet me ,,, . Well ,,, hopefully you are just ok yezh ,,, 🙂
sekarang ,,, tidur itu menjadi kegiatan yang menyenangkan yu knowhh ,, related to my insome ,, ahahhaha ,,, . So when i can get well slept ,,, its just like ,, a ,,, good rest ,,, ehheheheheh ,,, #lebay ,, but its true ,, and alhammdulillah for that ,, xixiixixxi ,, .
hey hey hey ,,, its sunday Murningzh ,,, so shiny isnt it ,,, ??? ,, alhamdulillah yezh ,,, . quite exhausted week yezh ,,, ceritaknya kerjak guwa ,,, waaakakkakakak ,,, . Even though ,,, i dont have that much passion in scm do ,,, . its been 2 years ??? but why its so bored quickly yezh ,, ? xiixixiixix ,,, . Its seems more challenging in allocation section ,,, but ,,, helloohh ??? gw ajah di tarik dari allocation section to scm section ,,, masa iyak bolak balik kek kertas print-an ,,, xiixixixi ,,, .
sudahlah yezh ,,, sing penting mbem aman ,,, cicilan kebayar ,,, bahagia duniya akherat ,, aamiinn ,, 🙂 ,, #apa sih ga jelas ,, kek bokap gw aja pagi2 ,,, wkkwkwkwkwk mention kan guwe ,,,,
KayLa ,, she is getting bigger ,,, become a teenage now ,,, xixiixixi ,,, . Sudah malu ama banyak hal ,,, #ya ea laahh ,, dah kelas 4 yezh ,,, wkkwkwkwk ,,, . xixiixix ,,, liat doi dari bayiknya ,, adeknya juga liat dari bayiknya sih ,,, xixiixixi ,, . Sering banged gw jail-in ,, sekarang dah gede ajah ,,, . Well ,,, semoga menjadi anak yang sholehah ,,, bermanfaat bagi ummat ,,, aamiinn ya aLLah ,,, 🙂
xixixi ,,, i think ,,, i talk too much this week ,,, . Hopefully i can reduce one in next week ,,, aamiinnn ,,, ehheheheheh ,,, . Dan fi ,, ?? hari gini ??? masih jomblow ??? halloww ,, ?? wkkwkwkwk ,,, #apezh ,,, 😛
hadjeee ,,, not that mood to face tomorrow ,,, nothing that interest ,,, 🙁 ,, . Hmmhh ,,, what should i do yezh ,,, ?? hopefully ,,, this night have mood booster ,,, eaaaaaaa ,,, hehhehehe ,,, 🙂
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