Doa ,,, jodo ,,

#i think ,,, this post ,, litbit sensitive to talk ,,, in fact ,,, its getting weird ,, while its me who share bout mate ,,, heheheheh 😀 ,,,

,,, ummhh ,,, tobe honest ,,, in entire my life ,, am so rare ,,, asking to the God about mate ,, just the latest one ,,, . Even for lately years ,,, . i dont know why ,, in my pray ,,, it just i asked for the safety in this world and next ,,, also pray for my parent ,,, just thats it ,, hehehhehe ,,,  freak yezh ,,, ??%$@&*!)$@&% ,,, .

i dont know ,,, it just ,, aLLah already gave me more than i can think and have ,,, . I know, am not getting married yet ,,, but ,,, it just ,, its a ,,, not appropriate to say ??? ,,, hehehehhe ,,, . It just ,,, in my thought ,,, its a ” pity ” a man who married to me ,,, >> ” pity ” ,, in my view of course ,,, . But ,,, is it ,,, am strong enough to live alone in this world ??? ,,, . But ,, if so ,,, aLLah already arrange everything for me ,,, . So ,, what hv to worried about ,,, ???

#i know ,,, otak gw mang sengklek ,, including about mate ,, marriage ,,, . sekali lagi ,, gw adalah manusia penikmat waktu dan penikmat zaman ,,, yang menyerahkan sepenuhnya tentang kepada yang maha kuwasa ,, aLLah swt ,, insha aLLah ,,, 🙂


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