Long Live ,,,

35 years live ,,, have enough times ,,, to see ,,,

  1. Karma is around ,,, . If you more times ,,, you will see ,,, karma, good one and bad one ,, are around ,,, ,,,
  2. Youth ,,,  adalah masa nya hormon dan napsu yang di depan ,, . Penuh dengan confidence, ambition, passion strength to conquered the world ,,, . Being crazy and do lot of mistakes  ,,, ya di masa inih ,,,
  3. bahwa otak manusia dengan semakin bertambahnya umur memang makin terbentuk sempurna  untuk memikirkan dan memutuskan mana baik dan benar
  4. time ,,, answer many things ,,,
  5. Love ,,, soften your heart ,,,,
  6. Parents ,,, are ,, the biggest person in this world ,,,
  7. FamiLy ,,, is everything ,,,
  8. We are connected ,,,

#lihatlah dalam bentang waktu ,,,


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2 Comments on "Long Live ,,,"

  1. Riboya82
    01/11/2016 at 6:39 AM Permalink

    Wah… lagi mellow hari ini sepertinya…

  2. hafi
    02/11/2016 at 5:57 AM Permalink

    @riboya ,,
    ga lah ,,, am so happy by yesterday ,,, xiixixixi ,,,

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