amNotthatLucky ,,,

am perfectionist one ,,, but there is nothing so perfect in my life ,, (kalo ga mo di bilang blangsak seh ,, xixiixxi ) ,, .

Hmmhh ,, and you know what ,,, Lucky, bad things ,,, sad happy ,,, ,, it all just about colaborate of thought and hormon ,,, . dont you agree with me ,,, ??? iixixiixxi ,,, .  Many things in my life ,,, kick me down ,,, and i down ,,, ahhahaha ,,, but umh ,,, i dont care ,,, . xixiixix ,,, maybe its because too much kicks ,, ?? ahahhahah ,,, .

Ahhh ,,, no,, i just want to live with happiness ,,, override things that make me sad, bad and others ,,, . I cant live with sadness unhappy things or others bad things ,,, i choose to be happy ,,, definitely ,,, . and right now ,, i just think how to make my life better ,,, . hehehehe ,,, . Kenapa idup gw ga pernah bener yak ??? xiixixixi ,,,


#tulisan ini ,,, gonna be really curcol ,,, xiixixix

right now ,,, i just feel ,,, in the edge of life ,,, . When i see peoples ,,, others outside of me  ,,, duniyawi things ,,, i just feel ,,, am not that part anymore ,,, disingkirkan ,, tersingkirkan ,,, segera oleh taqdir ,,, and somehow its make me litbit sad ,,, .

I do miss my Lord ,,, so much ,,, so much ,,, . Aku menantikan pertemuanku dengan Nya ,,, definitely ,,, it just ,,, so many sins that i have done ,,, so many bad things in life ,, that i cant paid with goodness or anything ,,, . Jadi ,,, gw pasrah ajah ,,, . Semoga bisa bertemu dengan Tuhan kuw dalam keadaan baik ,,, aamiinn ya robbal alamiinnnn ,,, .

But you know what ,,, sekarang ,,, aq benar2 tidak mengeluh padaMu Tuhan ,,, untuk semua yang terjadi ,,, untuk semua taqdir ,,, dalam hidupkuwh ,,, . Engkaw bisa lihat ,, aq tidak mengeluh ,,, . Am good ,,, right ??? hehhehehe ,,,

the point is ,,, right now ,,, i think ,,, i just loosing what is my purpose in this world ,,, thats all ,,, 🙂

hhh ,,, sooo ,,, what happen to the world ,,, ??? ,,, welll ,, really sooooo borrreeedd with the job ,,, indeeeeddd ,,, .  Oh dear Lord ,,, . Really want to get new Job ,,, get new challenge ,,, . #fi ,, mo tantangan ,, ?? yakeenn ,,, ??? bikin sehat/fit sehari ajah idup lo dah achievement ko ,,, we both know that ,,, ahahhahahha ,,, # . wakakkakakkakak ,,, iya juga yak ,,, . Sekarang gw bahkan ga berani wat nongki2 di strbx after office hour ,,, takut malah ga bisa pulang ,,, aka tepar di tkp ,,, secara malam dah sisa sisa tenaga guwa ,,  wakkakakakkakakk ,, .

Last friday ,,, mbak wee ,, asked us to maksi at ITC ,,, . Heeee ?? huwaatttsss ??? wakakkakakkak ,,, . You know what i did before maksi ??? drink 2 glasses of sugar water ,,, to make my body more strong enough ,,, jiakkakakkakakak ,,, . And am good as long as maksi time ,,, yihaaaaa ,,, . Still, at afternoon ,,, have to go home earlier to get rest ,,, ah! plus one panadol extra before went to bed,,,  xixiixixixiix ,,,, . aman lah yezh  ,,, .

iyezh ,,, keknya PR banged yezh ,,, make  my body strong enough ,,, at least ,,, fit enough to do my dailies ,,, include nongki2 at starbux after  office hour ,,, hehehhehe ,,, 🙂

my fathers health getting worst ,, . The doctor said ,,, it just all of his nerve is just getting less function ,, aka faktor U ,,, . i see all of this ,,, just ,,, this is life ,, . Really not meant to be rough ,,, but, who will go first ,,, ??? hehehhehe ,,, . Of course i know the answer ,, from my side of course ,,, hehehhehe ,,, .

semogaaa ,, everyhing ,, just fine ,,, from aLLah swt side ,,, aamiinn ,,, 🙂

sumpah ,,, !! gw bener2 butuh swasana baru ,,, mungkin swasana di kota santri??? ,, eaaa ,,, xiixixixi ,,, . yup ,, bikin badan kuwat duluw ,,, baru deh ,, lanjutin semua plan2 lainnya ,,,

semoga selalu baik dalam pandangan aLLah yezh fi ,,, aamiinn ,, 🙂


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