Archive > 23 Juni 2021

why yah ,,

. beteweeeeeeeeeee ,,, kenapa yk, gw tuh ga bisa nyaktiin orang karena mang niyat or revenge or even they should nor worthy to get one ,,, ,,, ,,, ituh mainly high priority not to do for me ,, . Wajib di tahan, entah kenapa ,,, entah kenapa ,,, . Bukan berniyat tuk kind of ,,, […]

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Hulaaaa ,,,

. hulaaaa mileeeyyy ,,, hawayuuuuuu ,,, ??? . In my age 40 y/o ,,, still comes up with un faedah things ,, wkkwkwkkwk ,, . And somehow ,, this time ,, i dont want to care about those things ajah ,, yaaa ,, karena ga faedah ajah ,,, wkkwkwkkwk ,,, . Males nanggepin hal2 basa […]

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