After Ramadhan ,,,


after my Ramadhan ,, ????
Byasaknya ,, all my spirits come all over ,, ,,, kwwkkwk ,, . Malam 1 SyawaL ,, sprt bysak gw akan terjaga mpe pagikkkk ,,, nonton or do anything ,,, yg jelas ,, awake ,,, !!! ,, . Ahhahahha ,, after around 3 weeks ,, kudu tidur duluw ,, and nor for the rest of my eager passions ,,, hehehhehe ,,,

btw ,, niadnya sik mo berhemad ,, but, its seems while am not going to the office ,, its mean cost ,, !! ,,, ahhahahhahaa ,, . and holidays fulfil of strbx and others ,, wkkwkwkwkkw ,,

this is like new beginning ,, yg padahal its just continue my boring life ,, jiyakkakakkakakakkak ,,, . Masya allah ,,

its all good life for me ,, . Is it haram job what i do for live ?? No, is it income haram that i live with ?? No, Is my worship very less ??? No its not, ,,, ,, , ,,,,,, ,,,,, But still i arrived in this stage ,, seems nothing ,,, but not empty sik ,,, even i dont know izkelih in what part. Emang dasar idup gw kurang tantangan ajah sik ,,, jiakkakakkakakk ,, . Bertantangan dikit, terush letoy ,, terush bawaannya pengen / inged mati ,, ya kaliiikk jadi tetiba pengen ngejar duniyakwik ,,, wkkwkwkwkkwkwkwkkw ,,,,

its just ,, i cant control my hormone ,, thus my mood ,, . Kl bae ya bae ,, kl lagi jahat ya jahat ,, wkwkkwkwk ,, . and its not in line with my goal anyhow ,, hmmhh ,,, . Jadiiiiiiiiiii ,, gw akan makin meminimalkan circle gw ,,, meminimalkan any triger to make me bikam bad ,, during un stable hormone ,,, ehehhehehhehe ,,,

and chilll ajah yezh fiiiii ,,,,
Pliiizzhh ,, bi chiiill ,,,
xiixixiixix ,,,,

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