Zabtoe 040616

today i just not in the good mood ,,, so  i went to the coffee shop this morning ,,, xiixixix ,,, ngupi syahntiikkkzzhh ,,, boost up my strength and my mood ,, ahhahaha ,,, after ,,, so weak by yesterday ,,, i just so exhausted ,,, dear lord ,,,

now here i am ,,, ,, ,,, 🙂  🙂   🙂 ,,, really need my milestone ,,, to ,, ummhh ,,, what i hv to say ,,, defrag ??? aahahhahhaha ,,, . My friends ,, said ,, in many ways ,,, they need to share uneg2 to others ,,, . When she said that ,, voice in my brain said ,,  ” i just need my milestone ,, ” ,,, xixixixixi ,,, alhamdulillah yezh ,, my live just is simply is that ,,, .

so what happen to the world ??? ,,, xixiixix ,,,

Official ,,, well ,,, last JuNe 1st, announced about promotion and transfer staff manager and expatriat ,,, . And ,,, me ?? none on the list ,,, xixiixix ,,, . Ahhhh ,,, sayang sekali ,,, padahal gw ngincer VP loh ,,, wkwkkwkwk #mang ada ???? xixixiixix 😛 ,,, .

Well ,,, really ,, if i have a chance to out from there ,,, i will do that ,,, . Too bad ,, it seems ,, rejeki gw di sonoh ,,, 🙂 ,, sooo ,,, enjoy one ,,, . Its already 10 years working at aji ,,, alhamdulillah for everything ,,, . Suka duka ,,, di nikmatin ,,, .

They said ,,, none of employee will resign with family reason except they not agreed with their bozh ,, . Kesiyan ye jadi bozh ,,, di arep2 susahnya ,,, wakakakkak ,,, . Yaaa tergantung juga sih bozhnya bener pa enggag ,,, xixiixixix ,,,

Me ,,, ?? sudah pada tahap penikmat taqdir ,,, 🙂 ,, #secara mentok juga mo kemana2 ga bisa ,,, wakakkakakakkkk ,,, #so iyezh banged bahasanya penikmat taqdir ,,, wkwkkwkwkwk . Yup ,,, pun am not smart enough and not good for talking talking ,,, where i work placed ,,, i can gave my best contribution ,,, so no issue for my work ,,, exceeeppptt ,,, aaahhhahahahhha ,,, .

Hmmmh  ,,, Just do goods ,,, as alwayzh ,,, as it proportionally ,,, fair enough ,,, xixiixixixixiix ,,,

Weeww ,,, tomorrow Ramadhan’s come ,,, . Everything about goodness,, its just reminding bout aLLah and they who i love ,,, masya aLLah ,, .

I dont know ,,, apakah Tuhan aLLah akan mengampuni semua dosa yang di belakang ,, yang gw lakukan dengan sadar ,,, #istighfar ,,, . But its me ,, orang yang selalu berusaha berusaha dan berusaha apa pun yang terjadi ,,, berharap berharap dan berharap ,,, semoaga tuhan aLLah mahu mengampuni semua dosa2 gw ,,, aamiinn ,, .

tomorrow ramadhan ,,, masya allah ,,, 🙂


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