it just ,, time flies ,,,

Kata2 ini ,,,, omelan spt ini ,,, Mengingatkan ,,, many back years ago ,,, ketika gw ^trlalu^ pada kerjaan ,, . It just ,,, time files yezh ,,, in many wayzh ,,, and its make me sad ,,, .

well its passed ,,,, . Now ,,, in my thought ,,, yes indeed ,, its nothing to work over then others ,,, apalagi di aji ,, wkkwkwkwkkwk ,,, kek kurang pengalaman guwe di aji kalo untuk hal ini ,, xiixixixixi ,,, . moreover ,, i just geting skinny day by day ,,, indeed ,,, . Maybe ,, its not suits on me ,,, not in my health condition now ,,, ahhahahahah ,,,  am not young anymore ,, kekekkekkek ,, .

but ,,, what my thought says ,,, :: dari pada di kubur ?? hayoooo ,,, pilih manaaa ???? wkkwkwkwkkw ,,, . Mending di omelin si kupret 2 jam ,, yang stroke doi ,, gw still alive ,,, wkwkkwkwkwk ,,, . sometimes ,,, gw mensyukuri hal ,, gw masih bisa berjalan di atas bumi ,,, di atas tanah ,,, ga tw kapan ,, gw akan di kubur ,, di bawah tanah ,,, hehehheeh ,,, .

so ,, as long as its good thing to do ,,, i think its oke lah ,,, . My health that become worst ??? ,,, zolim siihhh ,, tapi ga di apa2in ,,, mang bakal worst juga kooo ,,, wkkwkwkwkkwkw ,,, so,,, ???? ,,,, xixiixixix ,,, .


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